ECB2024 was a great success!

It took four more years than expected, but finally the long awaited event took place: the European Congress on Biotechnology in Rotterdam on 30 June - 3 July this year. It was worth the wait. With over 750 participants from all over the world and a high quality and engaging programme, we  can look back at a very successful edition.

The NBV is proud to have hosted and co-organised this event, together with EFB, IUPAC and AFOB. You can read more in the upcoming edition of C2W magazine.

Opening ECB2024_small


As part of the three-day ECB programme, the NBV organized a very successful highlight event, which was attended by more than 200 people. Not surprising given the keynote speakers on the programme: Jack Pronk and Linda Dijkshoorn, who inspired the audience with great talks.

During the NBV highlight event the Zilveren Zandloper Education Prize was awarded to Michiel Michels, Senior lecturer and researcher in Biobased Chemistry at Avans University of Applied Sciences. The NBV congratulates Michiel Michels with this much deserved recognition. Read more

Highlight sessie nbv3

NBV networking dinner

Because this year the NBC was integrated into the ECB, the NBV organized an exclusive networking event especially for its members. 100 members met in the 'Smoking Room' of the famous ship SS Rotterdam, resulting in plenty networking and a great atmosphere.

See you next year!

The NBV board wishes to thank all members and sponsors who have contributed to making ECB2024 and the sattelite NBV-events such a great success.

We look forward meeting you next year in Wageningen on 23 September for NBC-25!

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