DCS Newsletter December 2024

DCS activities 2025

With this newsletter, we would like to draw your attention to the upcoming deadlines for the DCS MSc Poster awards, the KNCV-DCS Thesis award and the N3C award that will be conferred during the 26th Anniversary edition of N3C.

We hope to see you all in Noordwijkerhout during N3C 2025. Early bird registration ends on January 10th and registration closes on February 7th, 2025.

We want to wish you all a very happy holiday season and a peaceful and fruitful New Year. 

On behalf of the DCS Board,

Dr. Ir. Hirsa Torres Galvis (Vice-chair DCS)


N3C Award 2025

The purpose of the N3C award is to recognize outstanding, recent work in catalysis and chemistry research by an early career PI. The N3C award is intended to stimulate the next generation of talented, up-and-coming catalysis researchers and to put them in the spotlight of our catalysis community as well as abroad. The fourth N3C award will be presented during the 26th N3C (March 10 - 12, 2025) and consists of a certificate, artwork and an N3C award lecture given in plenary format at the N3C conference in 2025.

The guidelines for nominations are available on the DCS Website: N3C Award

Deadline for nominations is January 15th, 2025

For Principle Investigators based in the Netherlands and Belgium

As in previous years, the Dutch Catalysis Society (DCS), in collaboration with the NCCC organization, offers ten master students the opportunity to attend N3C and present a poster about their graduation research. Selection criteria, next to excellent science, are (i) that the topic is related to catalysis and (ii) that the student is or will become a member of DCS. Membership for students under 24 years has no fee.

To be eligible for the DCS MSc Poster Awards, the student must submit an abstract to  dutchcatsoc@gmail.com. The abstract has the same format as required for N3C (See Poster abstracts).

The deadline for applications to the DCS MSc Poster Awards is Friday January 17th 2025. We will contact the students on Monday January 20th 2025. If there are many submissions, the DCS board will make a selection. Not selected abstracts can still be submitted until February 7th to N3C via the website

We hope to receive many applications.DCSlogo-180

KNCV - DCS Thesis Award 2025

In 2025, the KNCV - DCS Thesis Award will be awarded again to provide recognition to a talented young researcher. The award consists of a certificate and € 1250. The committee of the DCS Thesis Award will consist of industrial as well as academic experts (names to be determined as they depend on the received nominations). Deadline for nominations is Monday December 16th 2024.

More information

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