Analytical Strategies in the molecular and time resolved imaging of complex systems
Avondlezing door prof.dr. Maarten Honing georganiseerd door de Bossche Chemische Kring.
SamenvattingThe implementation of flow-chemistry, compared with classical batch chemistry, is believed to be a green and economically valuable alternative.
In addition, it adds to the continuous monitoring of the chemical conversion process. Nonetheless, the interest is shifting into the in situ detection of impurities at extreme low levels, the detection of intermediates or even the on-line detection of different structural isomers.
In this presentation, the positioning of APPI (Photon Ionization) – tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) – ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) is discussed.
Based on a simple “Diels-Alder” reaction, APPI/ESI-MS/MS was able to identify impurities, and combined with IMS, it was proven that the final end product was actually two isobaric structural isomers.
This presentation (partly with a tutorial on MS/MS & IMS) will add to scientific discussions and the real world implementation of “Multimodal sensing” in process chemistry.
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