Avondlezing georganiseerd door de Groningse Chemische Kring.
Malignant skin neoplasms can be subdivided into non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma) and melanoma. The incidence of NMSC as well as melanoma has been increasing dramatically during the last decade worldwide. Especially in melanoma, early recognition is of utmost importance considering the good prognosis in primary tumours thinner than 1mm and the rapid decrease of survival rates in advanced tumour stages. Basal cell carcinomas rarely ever metastasize but can grow destructively which is a problem if localized in the face. Squamous cell carcinomas metastasize in approximately 5% and can be lethal. Therefore, basic knowledge over these most common cutaneous neoplasms is important for every health professional.
Development of skin neoplasms depends on genetic and environmental factors, especially UV-exposure. In this session the different types of skin cancer, treatment strategies, the use of sunscreens and other skin cancer prevention strategies will be discussed.
N.B. De presentatie wordt in Nederlands gegeven
Loopbaan Jorrit TerraNa zijn basisopleiding in de geneeskunde heeft Jorrit Terra in de periode 2005 – 2010 aan het UMCG de opleiding tot dermatoloog gevolgd. Sinds 2010 is hij staflid dermatologie, met name dermato-oncologie, dermatochirurgie en Mohs-chirurgie.
In 2013 is hij gepromoveerd op het onderwerp op auto-immuunblaarziekten.
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