Over DACG Symposium & General Members Meeting

DACG Symposium & General Members Meeting

The Fall Symposium on November 30th at Ardena in Oss. Participants are encouraged to bring a poster. If you intend to present a poster, please indicate this when registering for the symposium.

The venue is easy to reach either by train or by car. Ardena is a 7-minute walk from Oss railway station, just follow the signs to Pivot Park. If you are coming by car, choose Pivot Park (Kloosterstraat 9, 5349 AB Oss) as address.

You can download the program here.


To sign up for the symposium, please send an email to muusipenttila@nl.aspenpharma.com and transfer the registration fee to the bank account of the DACG:

Ned. Ver. Van Kristal Groei.
NL60 INGB 0004 3051 58

The registration fee for the symposium is €30 for DACG-members and €45 for non-members. Please mention “DACG Fall Symposium 2023” in your payment. Please sign up before November 25th, 2023.

Also, please mention if you have any dietary requests.