Avondlezing door dr. Chris Slootweg georganiseerd door de Rotterdamsche Chemische Kring.
Transitie naar een duurzame en circulaire economie
In addition to the well-known Green Chemistry principles that have revolutionized optimizing and sustaining linear processes, Circular Chemistry1 moves beyond value extension and aims at making chemical processes and production cycles circular by using waste (or ideally products) as resource.
In this lecture, I will highlight the importance of closing the loops as well as stress the need to develop Circular Technologies, which use chemistry as enabling tool, to target the conservation of critical raw materials (element scarcity) as well as contribute to solving pressing waste problems.2,3,4
Such an endeavor will combine molecular design and synthesis with the environmental fate and impact of current products targeting safe by design (no persistent, bio-accumulative, and toxic compounds; green chemistry) and design for re-use, recovery and recycling (circular chemistry).5
- T. Keijer, V. Bakker, J.C. Slootweg, “Circular Chemistry to enable a Circular Economy”, Nature Chem. 2019, 11, 190
- J. C. Slootweg, “Using Waste as Resource to Realize a Circular Economy: Circular Use of C, N and P”, Curr. Opin. Green Sust. Chem. 2020, 23, 61
- A. R. Jupp, S. Beijer, G. C. Narain, W. Schipper, J. C. Slootweg, “Phosphorus Recovery and Recycling – Closing the Loop”, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2021, 50, 87–101
- H. Flerlage, J. C. Slootweg, “Modern Chemistry is Rubbish”, Nat. Rev. Chem. 2023, 7, 593
- J.C. Slootweg, “Sustainable Chemistry: Green, Circular and Safe-by-Design”, One Earth 2024, 7, 754–758
Curriculum VitaeChris Slootweg was born in Haarlem (The Netherlands) in 1978 and received his undergraduate education from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2001, with research stays at the University of Amsterdam (Prof. Piet van Leeuwen) and University of Sussex (Prof. Michael Lappert).
Van ’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS), University of Amsterdam
P.O. Box 94157, 1090 GD Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
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