Over Jong KNCV Café Groningen

Jong KNCV Café Groningen

Jong KNCV, in collaboration with study associations, organizes the Jong KNCV Café, a concept to bring young chemists together in an informal atmosphere and make contacts. During the evening there will be a speaker who will talk about a relevant topic for young chemists. Afterwards there will be a small activity and of course there is room for drinks with snacks!

The fifth edition will take place on March 12 in 'De Luchtbrug Bar' in Groningen in collaboration with 'De Chemische Binding'.
Registration is from 7:00 PM and the program starts at 7:30 PM.

More information can be found on the website of the meeting.


Participation is free of charge for (Jong) KNCV-members.
Non-members pay € 5,-.

When you register, you will receive 2 free drinks and snacks will be arranged.

Register now!