Verdiepende cursussen Analytische Chemie
COAST, de publiek-private community op het gebied van analytisch chemie, biedt verdiepende HBO+ en MSc+ cursussen aan over analytisch chemische onderwerpen, zoals massaspectrometrie, chromatografie, NMR, chemometrie en lab-on-a-chip. Deze cursussen worden gegeven door experts uit academia en bedrijven en vinden plaats op zaterdagen en in de vorm van zomercursussen. De cursussen zijn geschikt voor analytici op hbo- en/of wo-niveau. In sommige gevallen zijn de cursussen ook inspirerend voor docenten in het mbo en vo. Meer informatie vindt u op de website van COAST onder Human Capital, Life-Long-Learning Een selectie van de cursussen die door mbo-docenten geschikt bevonden zijn, vindt u op de website van IJ5-lab onder ‘COAST cursussen Analytische Chemie’.
En over deze summer course (download hier het programma)
Cursus: Summer Course “X-ray fluorescence spectrometry”
Niveau: MSc+
Omschrijving: This five-day course provides participants with a thorough understanding of the principles and practice of X-ray fluorescence analysis. The emphasis will be on the application of the XRF technique to trace element analysis in geological materials using wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The operating principles of the instrumentation will be explained and illustrated in detail, as well as ways to select the optimum measurement parameters. Additional topics covered are sample preparation, matrix correction methods and a short introduction to energy dispersive spectrometry.
Doelgroep: The course is taught in the framework of the MSc+ program for talents in Master education (University). The course is appropriate for employees at a corresponding level. The course is also aimed at PhD-students in analytical sciences or related fields, who are not specialized in XRF spectrometry (ANAC-basic course). Finally, the course is suitable for graduates (BSc, MSc and PhD) interested in XRF spectrometry and seeking additional knowledge and understanding.
• Introduction to the fundamentals of XRF
• Qualitative analysis
• Selection and setting of instrumental parameters
• Matrix effects
• Sample preparation
• Quantitative XRF analysis for major and trace levels
• Background and line overlap corrections
• Mass absorption coefficients and the relation to Compton radiation
Duur: 5 dagen
Datum: 21 – 25 August 2017
University of Amsterdam, Science Park 904, Amsterdam
Prijs: 800 Euro per dag (Totaal 4.000 Euro)
KNCV-leden krijgen 25% korting