The 46th World Chemistry Congress will be held in Sao Paulo, one of the largest and most dynamic cities in the world that now receives over 90,000 events a year. This multicultural city is not limited to a diverse population: it boasts first-world infrastructure, world-class hotels, excellent gastronomy, world-class museums and plenty of culture, music, shows and attractions for every cultural background, age, taste and budget. The venue will be the WTC Sheraton, which is surrounded by a variety of hotels and restaurants in walking distances. There are also options by public transportation to connect to other areas of the city.
For the first time in South America, we can bring an entire continent of chemists closer to the global IUPAC community. We will deliver an unforgettable IUPAC Congress, energized by the passion, hospitality and creativity of the Brazilian people. The event will also include the 2017 IUPAC General Assembly. [Click HERE for update about the GA]
Of particular relevance to IUPAC is a series of Symposia on Environmental Chemistry coordinated by the Chemistry and the Environment Division (see project 2016-035-1-600), a special symposium on Research Data, Big Data, and Chemistry coordinated by Subcommittee on Cheminformatics Data Standards, and a special symposium ‘Women in Chemistry’, featuring the Awardees of IUPAC 2017 Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering.