Avondlezing door dr.ir. G.M. Westhoff (Friesland Campina) georganiseerd door de Chemische Kring Zwolle.
Industrial crystallization is one of the main unit operations in the chemical industry. The crystallization process is the introduction of a crystalline solid phase from an amorphous solid state, liquid or gaseous state. The unit operation crystallization is important as a separation process for the concentration and purification process.
Crystallization processes are used in the production of a range of products: Large quantities: ammonium sulphate, adipic acid, sugar, salt. Smaller volumes: pharmaceutical and fine chemicals. The crystallization process is performed in a wide variety of industrial crystallizers.
Models have been developed of industrial crystallizers for the design, scale-up, and control of industrial crystallizers, rigorous models have been developed. The crystallization models should predict the product quality (e.g. crystal size distribution) and dynamic process behaviour of industrial crystallizers based on the application of estimated parameters from laboratory crystallization experiments, geometric dimensions of the crystallizer, and operating conditions. The usage of a crystallization model for optimization of existing production process will be illustrated with an industrial case.
Curriculum vitae:Gerrit Westhoff studied food process technology at the Wageningen University (1998) and obtained his PhD at the Delft University of Technology, Laboratory for Process Equipment (2002). In 2007, he received his MBA at the TSM Business School (University of Twente). In 2002, he started as Senior Researcher Process Technology at Royal Friesland Foods (currently Friesland Campina). Later, he became Senior Manager Technology and Principal Project Manager Technology. Since 2015, he is Business Group Technology Manager at Friesland Campina Consumer Products Europe, Middle-East, and Africa. He is manager of a group of project managers and senior process technologists. Gerrit Westhoff developed his expertise in the development of new production processes, scale-up, and implementation. In addition, he has a broad experience as overall project manager in the conceptual design, front-end loading, construction, commissioning and validation of the new factories and factory expansions in Europe, China, Asia, Africa and Middle-East. Gerrit combines strong analytical skills with the ability to reduce complex problems to the essence.
Gerrit Westhoff is member of the board of the Dutch Society for Process Technologists (NPT) and is member of the EFCE (European Federation of Chemical Engineers) Working Party Quality by Design.
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