Theme of the symposium: Biomineralization
The DACG Annual meeting will take place as part of a one-day symposium.
During the meeting the Piet Bennema Award for Crystal Growth 2018 will be presented.
Preliminary program | |
09:30 | Registration and coffe/tea |
10:00 | Welcome and introduction Hans te Nijenhuis / Cees Buisman |
10:15 | Keynote: Biocrystallization for resource recovery and environmental protection Jan Weijma (WUR-ETE) |
11:00 | Controlling properties of sulfur particles formed in biological gas desulfurization Annemerel Mol (WUR / WETSUS) |
11:30 | Crystallization by particle attachment is a colloidal assembly process Giulia Mirabello (TU Eindhoven) |
12:00 | Lunch |
12:45 | Annual meeting (parallel: labtour for participants not attending the DACG annual meeting) |
14:00 | KNCV Piet Bennema Award for Crystal Growth Announcement prize winner by jury (Tom Leyssens c.s.) |
14:15 | Pathway complexity in CaCO3 crystallization Nico Sommerdijk (TU Eindhoven) on behalf of the prize winner of the KNCV Piet Bennema Award for Crystal Growth |
14:45 | Anaerobic calcium phosphate biogranulation Ricardo Cunha (WUR / WETSUS) |
15:15 | Coffee/tea break |
15:30 | Exploiting bisphosphonate-bioactive glass interactions for development of bone regenerative biomaterials Mani Diba (TU Eindhoven) |
16:00 | Labtour, followed by drinks / nibbles |
17:30 | End of program |
More information can be found on the website.