Chemistry Europe Announces Fellows Class of 2020/21

Chemistry Europe, an association of 16 chemical societies from 15 European countries publishing a family of high-quality scholarly chemistry journals and the ChemistryViews magazine, is pleased to announce its newest class of Fellows. The Class 2020/21 consists of 27 individuals. Awarded biannually since 2015, the Fellows program honors exceptional members of the Chemistry Europe societies who have made a significant contribution to Chemistry Europe through their support, research, creativity, and innovation.
This year’s class of Fellows honors:
Honorary Chemistry Europe Fellows: Eva E. Wille (Germany) and Peter Gölitz (Germany)
Chemistry Europe Fellows: Lutz Ackermann (Germany), Carlos A. M. Afonso (Portugal), Angela Agostiano (Italy), Nicola Armaroli (Italy), Pablo Ballester (Spain), Tatiana Besset (France), Vlasta Brezová (Slovakia), Radek Cibulka (Czech Republic), Ivana Císařová (Czech Republic), Fernando P. Cossío (Spain), Jeanne Crassous (France), Damien Debecker (Belgium), Célia Fonseca Guerra (The Netherlands), Sonja Herres-Pawlis (Germany), Patrik Johansson (Sweden), Péter Kele (Hungary), Christoforos Kokotos (Greece), Janusz Lewiński (Poland), Stefan Matile (Switzerland), Belén Martín-Matute (Sweden), Nuno Maulide (Austria), Tatjana Parac-Vogt (Belgium), Floris Rutjes (The Netherlands), David Spichiger (Switzerland), Anabela A. Valente (Portugal).
“We are very excited to honor these outstanding European scientists for their exceptional support of Chemistry Europe and its journals. It is people like these and their wonderful commitment who lay the basis of Chemistry Europe’s success.” says Professor Wolfram Koch, Executive Director of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh, German Chemical Society), and the Chemistry Europe Council Member responsible for the Fellows program. The Chemistry Europe Fellows will be celebrated at a reception during the 8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress in Lisbon on August 29, 2022.
Chemistry Europe publishes 19 high-quality scientific chemistry journals covering a wide range of disciplines, the magazine ChemistryViews, and it supports scientists at every stage of their careers. All this is only possible because many chemists in Europe and the world over are supporting Chemistry Europe in many ways. Some stood out especially and are honored as Chemistry Europe Fellows. Previous notable Chemistry Europe Fellows include the Nobel Laureates Ben Feringa (The Netherlands) and Sir Fraser Stoddart (USA).
More info
Chemistry Europe Fellows Class 2020/21: (Press Release)
Chemistry Europe Fellows Program
Media Contact
Dr. Vera Koester
Secretary Fellows Program
Editor in Chief ChemistryViews (The Magazine of Chemistry Europe)
++49(0)172 3999 826
About Chemistry Europe
Founded in 1995, Chemistry Europe is an association of 16 chemical societies from 15 European countries, representing over 75,000 chemists. It publishes a family of high-quality scholarly chemistry journals, covering a very broad range of disciplines. Wiley-VCH is their publisher.
The mission of Chemistry Europe is to evaluate, publish, disseminate, and amplify the scientific excellence of chemistry researchers from around the globe in high-quality publications. It supports its members at every stage of their careers as they strive to solve the challenges that impact humankind. In all its work, Chemistry Europe values integrity, openness, diversity, cooperation, and freedom of thought.
About Wiley-VCH
Wiley-VCH is a publishing center of excellence and part of John Wiley Sons, Inc founded in 1921 by German chemical societies and associations. Today it is located in Weinheim, Berlin and Zurich and the home of ca 150 editorial offices to publish with and for many societies worldwide world leading programs like Angewandte Chemie with the German Chemical Society, Chemistry Europe, ACES, EMBO Press, Ullmann`s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry and well-known books and imprints like the For Dummies Series.
About Wiley
Wiley, founded in 1807 in Manhattan, NY, USA, is a global research and education company, it helps people and organizations develop and organize the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. It partners with more societies than any other publisher worldwide. Its online scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, combined with digital learning, assessment and certification solutions help universities, academic societies, businesses, governments, and individuals increase the academic and professional impact of their work.
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